Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body and drainage of lymph nodes, to reduce swelling and leave you feeling lighter, less bloated and more energised and relaxed.
What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
Lymphatic drainage massage is a type of massage therapy that uses very light pressure along with slow, soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes (the right lymph nodes based on lymph watersheds) to help restore the proper movement of lymph, removing blockages in the lymph vessels and nodes. It is gentle enough to perform on even the most fragile person yet it is deeply therapeutic in action.
The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from body tissues, and some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up and blockages to form.
Part of the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage is that 70% of the lymph vessels are located in the superficial layers of the skin between the epidermis and dermis called initial lymphatics. These then drain into pre-collector vessels, then into larger vessels called collectors which have one way valves that ensure the flow of lymph is in one direction only. These then drain into the lymph nodes which then filter lymph, remove and destroy harmful microorganisms, tumour cells, damaged or dead tissue cells, large protein molecules and toxic substances. They also produce lymphocytes (white blood cells that make antibodies, help kill tumor cells and help control immune responses).
Lymphatic drainage massage, if performed correctly, can stimulate the opening of the initial lymphatics by as much as 20 times, increases the volume of lymph through the nodes and can increase production of lymphocytes by as much as 30%. It can also help improve circulation, metabolism and boosts the immune system overall. The Lymphatic system greatly impacts on the nervous system and this massage will also help reduce the negative effects of stress.
NOTE: This treatment is massage only and is not Manual Lymphatic Drainage or Medical Lymphatic Drainage treatment. For these treatments, please seek a trained professional.
What does it cost?
My Lymphatic Drainage Massage treatments are €50 euro for a 45 minute session, €60 for a 60 minute session or €90 for a 90 minute session.
Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage
All conditions can be helped to some degree through lymphatic drainage massage, as it helps to keep the area around cells healthy and stimulates the immune system function. Some of the conditions which can be helped by lymphatic drainage massage include:
- low energy levels (helps relieve sluggishness due to toxins etc and improve circulation which will help improve energy)
- recurring poor health like sore throats, colds etc (aids immune system)
- if you can’t or don’t take much exercise (helps remove toxins/waste and stimulate immune system)
- upcoming surgery (prepares body for recovery and repair by strengthening immune system)
- injury, illness or post-surgery (aids recovery)
- sports injuries (aids recovery)
- scar tissue (can be softened)
- inflammation (can be eased – if not caused by toxins)
- oedema (can be reduced)
- headaches due to fluid build up (can be reduced)
- stress (effects can be reduced due to parasympathetic activation)
- compromised immune system (can be restored/assisted)
Regular exercise benefits our heart health, as it helps increase the circulation of lymphatic fluid and aids the removal of toxins and waste (especially LDL cholesterol out of your arteries) reducing the chances of heart attacks.
If you find regular exercise difficult then regular Lymphatic Drainage Massages can be great for looking after your overall health and well being due to a more efficient lymphatic system, that means your body works better.
What can you expect during your treatment?
This treatment is very light contact with the skin and uses very slow and rhythmic movements and can be very relaxing. You may feel sensations in areas being worked on or in other areas of the body as the lymphatic system is activated and you may also feel some stomach rumbling too as digestive system is stimulated.
- Acute inflammation (caused by bacteria, poison, viruses or allergens).
- Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a vein usually caused by infection or injury can lead to free floating blood clots).
- Major Heart Problems (check with your doctor first)
- Kidney Problems (check with your doctor first)
- Pregnancy (Stage 3 oedema should be checked by your doctor)